I have a Bachelor's of Arts in Creative writing and would like to have the sort of opportunities available to people with BSc in Computer Science. Database development, software development, network development, and etc are career opportunities I would like to have access to within the next 5 years.
Right now, my options seem to be: Go back to school and get a BSc, find a MSc in CS that will accept my BA, attend code bootcamps, or self-teach.
- BSc option has the advantage of giving me exactly the opportunities I'm looking for, at a financial and temporal cost. It will also be difficult or impossible to do this in a timely manner with a full time job. Will likely have to take out a loan and go full-time student with part time work.
- MSc option should give me access to similar opportunities that a BSc would and should take less time, and possibly be cheaper, however it is difficult to find a program that will accept BA applicants, and finding a way to balance this option with full time work would also be difficult. Would likely have to take out a loan and go full time student with this. Possibilities of doing an online program while living in a low-cost environment (Asia, etc) exist, and are worth investigating.
- Code boot camps promise low-cost, little time investment training, with high hiring rates. However, horror stories abound, and these will not be as well respected as a degree.
- Self-teaching has the benefit of allowing me to work full time and learn at my own pace, but the education will be inconsistent, and I will always be considered second-class to someone with a degree.
Each option has many facets, advantages, and disadvantages, and this is what I am hoping to clarify. For example, would it be better to be working while taking an online MSc, which may not be as respected and will take longer? Or to put my head down for a year as a full time student and then start working right away? What sort of programs out there accept BA students? Should I study abroad (as an American), which can often be cheaper (schools in Taiwan waive tuition for foreigners, for example)?