I'm a relatively junior developer on a 2 man IT team, and I've been working here for just about 3.5 months. I'm primarily good with object oriented programming (java, c++, c#) and was hired on to be the second to my supervisor for both general IT and development, which I was happy with. I had to learn database skills which is something I was good with as well, with good documentation and a knowledgeable person on hand to ask questions of (my supervisor). And up until about 3 weeks ago, I was happy and really enjoyed my work and learning new things at a quick pace.
Now my boss is pushing his pet project on to me and expecting me to handle it mostly independently, though he does make himself available to help when he can. The problem is that its in language(s) that I don't know and that my boss is only passingly familiar with (node.js, phantomjs, casperjs if it matters). I've been liberal about my use of stackoverflow, stackexchange, and the documentation, but I just feel like I'm in over my head and my boss is pressuring me to get something he can see on the table.
I'm all for rising to the challenge, and thats what I've been trying to do, but I'm spending a lot of time at work and out of it frustrated and unsatisfied because I keep getting stuck and because of the nature of the project and the lack of knowledge on my boss's part (I'm the one teaching him about what I'm doing) I can't really ask for direct help from inside or outside the organization. I've been making huge amounts of progress on other sections of the work, fairly rapidly, but it feels like when I'm working on this project I'm making little or none for most of the day. I feel confident that given enough time I could figure it out and get it all working, but I just feel like I'm under pressure to rush rush rush even though there isn't a deadline.
I'm basically just looking for some advice on what to do about this. 'Talk to your boss' might work but its something that, from the business side, would really help out so its likely to not get tabled and my boss also can't pick it up because he has a lot more responsibilities on both the business and technical side (not the least of which is his moving to open up a new office location soon).