Around a year ago, I joined the company as a software engineer.
At the time, the company had software as a pretty core part of its business, but since then, the company has been having problem turning out profits, and around a month ago, the software development team has been cut in half and most of our ongoing projects had got scrapped. The company also somewhat moved its business direction to a direction where I feel like more of an IT staff supporting the operation, rather than being part of the core business. I survived the lay off, but I had to take a pay cut, and I can only see us being eventually laid off as well, or simply kept for maintaining the existing system.
For the reasons above, I have started looking for a new job. But I want to be prepared for the usual interview questions, one of which is the reason for leaving my current job.
How should I answer such questions? Especially in regards to my relatively short employment? My biggest concern is really to be perceived as a job hopper with no patience/loyalty.