Generally in India, typical style is followed in Education Section of most Resumes:
- Mention of HSC schooling
School Name,
High Secondary Certificate (HSC), Year of passing
...key points or achievements...
- Mention of SSC schooling
School Name,
Secondary School Certificate (SSC), Year of passing
...key points or achievements...
- Mention of Graduation college..
My school life was great, and I had participated in numerous regional, national, international competitions and have won many awards in the my schooling years other than HSC and SSC as well. I want to echo this in my resume because each of my achievement or accomplishment can potentially highlight and endorse my skill and my abilities more effectively.
On searching up the Google, I bumped into links that states it foolish to add your schooling achievements on professional resume. Some claims, Resumes should advisably be shorter and precise - this limits the scope of adding more details including the early schooling achievements.
This has ended me up to ask here whether is it appropriate to add schooling achievements in resume?
Note I have 1.5 years of experience in I.T industry