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Sarah Wong
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New employer has not sent contract, job starting very soon (UK)

I have a major concern regarding a job that I'm meant to start very shortly indeed and I'm looking for some second opinion here!

Job contract. I was interviewed some weeks ago, offered the job and accepted. A contract has not been forthcoming, despite my insistence of it. I have had some response from the company with a potentially understandable reason (personal circumstances) however some time has still passed and there has been no follow through.

I'm currently feeling very resentful towards this company as I am essentially being ignored. I have attempted to follow up on this as above alas no luck. To make matters complicated, I will also need to relocate for this job on top. I have two options here. Walk into the job blind, knowing nothing about my terms, conditions, hours etc beforehand as I expect they want. No paperwork at all.

Or I could simply say to hell with it and let the verbally agreed start date lapse and see if they follow up with me. A tempting option at the moment as I feel I am being treated with total disregard in this situation.

Thoughts, please. Sarah.

Sarah Wong
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