TL;DR: how likely a company accept a counter-offer for a graduate role?
Hi, I'm currently in my final semester of my master degree in IT. One of my final courses is a project which is supervised by companies. My group's company stated that they could offer a position once the project has finished. And they have been doing it for 2 semesters. (with acceptance rate of 8/10 students got the position).
My friend has a acquaintance who got offered the position and worked there currently. He discloses the salary to us (informal while hanging out). I was not satisfied with the offer, but it's better than my current casual job.
the scenario below is not real as I haven't been offered the role as of now. But I believe that most of my group will receive it
If they are offering the same amount to me, I'm thinking to make a counter-offer which is 30% higher than their offer. However, this is a graduate position, so I don't know if it's possible at all.
I have some factors which can helps me (or not. I need guidance on this.):
- While my technical skill is not as good as the supervisor who managed us, I believe I'm ahead of my peers. This is supported by having a relevant certification for the business that they're in, having to work casually for 2 years (20h p/w) in IT industry plus some freelancing before that, and by having worked with my peers, I can feel that I'm ahead of them.
- I'm not in a financial crisis. I have a job which have 30% lower rate than the offer. And I'm confident that I'll be working full-time for my current employer. This way, I think I can find other opportunities later on without having to worry financially. **however, I believe that I can't learn much (relevant skills) in my current job.
However, there are some factors which can back-fire me (it's purely my opinion as well. So I don't know if it's relevant)
- Technically I'm a graduate. And I'm working while studying so in the paper, it seems like I have a track like this: High School -> undergraduate -> postgraduate. However, I've freelanced while doing my undergraduate and I have a casual job (still doing it) while doing my postgraduate.
- I'm afraid that as it's a graduate role, it's non-negotiable and all graduates will have the same salary. (at least in that company. Though this is just me thinking.)
- They can see me as being greedy.
How likely will they accept my offer given above circumstances?