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Zachary Burnham
  • Member for 9 years
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
How to take vacation days within first year without looking like a slacker
And here's a mainstream-media article talking about misclassified workers being forced to file lawsuits to get paid appropriately under the‌​…
How to take vacation days within first year without looking like a slacker
Yes, of course they burn out and get less productive, I didn't say they wouldn't. You're proceeding from the assumption that your employer gives a hoot whether you're burned out or not. Being a "team player" for most workers means sacrificing your time and health for your employer's benefit. And if you're an "exempt" employee, your employer is not required to pay you for anything over 40 hours in a week, even if you work 90.
How to take vacation days within first year without looking like a slacker
Anthony: No, I am an American Worker. Welcome to the real world. Logic not included.