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XtrmJosh's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
How can I achieve a promotion to a senior position in my current company?
even the software tester - this might well be your answer. You seem to think they are automatically inferior to you which is just entirely wrong. It's probably unrelated, but you've just very passively offended me.
Changing my contract date without telling me
@Pete I'm also in the UK. Maybe it's specific to the companies I've worked at or even some sort of influence I've had on the recruitment processes...
Is it acceptable to cut my internship short in favor of another one?
Sorry to double comment, but might also be useful to know when we take interviews for internships a lot of the people applying are in exactly your position, they've worked another internship for X months but are looking to move for whatever reason. We don't look down on this much if at all. We're more interested in what you can do, and how we can do better than your previous employer.
Is it acceptable to cut my internship short in favor of another one?
Is a 16 month internship really a thing? Maybe it's part of a gap year or something? Personally, if I saw employment for 16 months I would question that more than 12 months. 12 months looks like a fixed term contract or an internship (as would 6 months). 16 is just a strange number of months to work IMO. I don't think it will effect you later on provided you leave on good terms. Let them know you appreciate what they've done for you, and come to an agreement on your notice period which makes them happy.
Changing my contract date without telling me
I'd debate that employees usually start on Mondays. In my experience and profession, I find most people tend to start on a Wednesday. The benefits being that you have a few days to become accustomed, and you get some chill time between that and the next week so you're not being overloaded with information. I've done this at all 3 of my "big jobs" so far, and it's worked out pretty well.
Why is giving two weeks notice a professionalism issue (and not a contract issue)?
I think this is actually a legal catch 22. If you demand your employee offers 2 weeks notice, you also have to provide 2 weeks notice on dismissal (for job completion or whatever). Maybe it's the case that companies don't want to feel they owe anything in exchange for this notice period...
Why would a resigning employee be immediately escorted out?
I think it's important to consider that there are probably laws around firing people which make it difficult for companies to "make it obvious" that someone is being fired. For that reason, it's possible that every employee receives the same treatment including an escort from the office. This is, at least, the explanation I've heard from a former employer when I questioned my escort upon resignation. I was actually invited to work later on, however, as I was still technically employed for 30 days ("working my notice") and they became short staffed soon after my departure.