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  • Member for 11 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
Is it acceptable to discuss a medical condition when asking a colleague to reconsider leaving?
Very much so. And MS is another "some days are good, some day not" which can mean that the only workable accommodation for him is "I come to work when I feel up to it" and that is unlikely to work for the people he works with. But it's very variable, I've had one friend who worked 4 hours a day, four days a week, and loved her job. But some days she finished work and was absolutely shattered, other days she'd bounce out of work feeling great (insofar as you can bounce in a wheelchair)... MS is a variable thing.
Shared Fluorescent Light Problem
I have a sheet of paper wedged under the diffuser on the light above my desk. That works quite well and isn't particularly obvious. It's less likely to interfere with the light than putting it on top of the diffuser.
Can my current(soon to be old) employer contact my new company regarding the offer
I'm not questioning why an employer would do that, simply asking how you know that in this particular case the employer is doing so. I base that on the practice not being universal - for example in unionised workplaces and many hourly-wage workplaces pay rates are public. Even in the USA, some workplaces work that way. So to just assume that secrecy is required is IMO unnecessary. And then, outside the US even the secrecy requirement can be unenforcable or illegal.I'm asking rather than downvoting, because it may be that you have definite knowledge of the OP's situation.
Can my current(soon to be old) employer contact my new company regarding the offer
I'm curious about how you know that "Your new employer expects you not to discuss your compensation package with their staff", since that's something that in my experience varies from company to company.
Language on application form for SEE/English
Normally I work in smaller companies where it's much more dependent on how the few co-workers react. Which can be good as well as bad, with co-workers who will go out of their way to defend their team-mates against outside stupidity. I have a friend who's legally blind and uses a big monitor in high-contrast mode with the brightness set to "solar flare", and he quite happily works as a designer for a small company (I have no idea how "I make things look pretty" goes with "I see vague blurry things if the light is bright enough"... but that's what he does)
Language on application form for SEE/English
@Vyndicu if it's any help, I worked with a blind programmer for a while. Was in a major bank, so there was a whole raft of support available.
Former boss asking me to do presentations
I got the impression that the OP doesn't want the requests to stop, only to avoid accepting some of them - they want to accept others.
Is there a formal methodology or protocol for selecting among competing software packages?
Yeah, "can you get staff" is a huge factor to consider. It's not "can I learn this" or "do I know this", but "what happens when I leave".
Replacing a computer programmer. What are best practices to pick up where they left off?
Bob, they have to show you the gold... in this case they seem to be more they wish they could afford to pay you... making it "if wishes were horses beggars would ride".
Job offer - should I be concerned about lower salary + higher bonus than discussed?
"this effectively lowers my guaranteed take-home" - you need to make sure of that. Some places will either pay it or fire you, other places will only pay it if you work 60 hours every week and deliver something amazing (ie, it's a unicorn) ... or anywhere in between.
Interviewee offered code samples from current employer -- should I accept?
I amazes me that programmers say this stuff at the same time as other interviewees are asking "if the company I'm interviewing at wants my facebook username and password should I supply them". Yes, saying in an interview that you will disregard confidentiality agreements is a bad idea! And if a candidate does that you should not hire them.
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