I'm not sure if this is the right place for this type of question - however, I couldn't find a more better one. If there is please point me in that direction.
Now, that said - I have recently decided I want to start my own company (in Canada). Where I would be importing product from China and the USA for the purpose of resale and/or customization. I have a partner, a business plan and a website being currently developed. Where I am having issues is - time and potential legal issues.
I am currently employed at 44 hours a week. My company will be in a completely different sector however, the role I do in both organizations is very similar (purchasing & customs clearances). Does this put me in a bind with my employer?
And at the same time, if anyone has any insights on how to balance both of these positions in the interim (hopefully my gig, can become my sole job in the future). That would be great! I want to start working for me, but want to be sure I am doing it right!