I'll try and keep this short and concise to avoid "venting", rather than explaining.
Long story short, I use skype to communicate with someone my company has contracted with. I am a programmer and he is a designer. He's designing using a system I'm constantly building as he uses it. It's less than ideal, but we do what we can with the time and money we have.
The issue is that he messages me with every little hiccup. Not just bugs, sometimes un-reproducable bugs, sometimes odd behavior, sometimes speculation about a bug, sometimes things he has the power himself to fix, but most of the time it's vague. I realize this is not necessarily an objective problem that most people face, but I want to be bothered less so I can focus. I know communication is good. This is 100% an issue I'm trying to solve to keep me in a good mood when stress levels are high. I fear I am nearing a breaking point and may say something hurtful. He is, as far as I know, unaware that he is bothering me, but I don't know how to tell him.
How can I tell him in a professional manner that I only want to be notified of a bug/issue if it's reproducible and if he can explain exactly what is happening?
As a caveat, I do need to be available whenever, because when he has bugs, his work stops. If I stop communication, he stops working, and the end to the project is nigh.