I work in a very big international company, 33k fix employees and about 15k flex employees.
Now I was thinking how can we improve in break down silos and get a better culture of sharing and cohesion. Not that it is toxic but it can be better.
Now I was wondering how common is it, e.g., in the communications (internal news) department to do interviews with regular employees and publish it on the intranet for entertainment and better getting to know someone? (And when the interviewee would want it, it could be anonymous.)
From from time to time there are some kind of interviews published but those are always on adhoc base and always with higher management.
With interview I mean. "Dear colleague, please share something about yourself? How did you end up at our company? What should everyone within this company know about you? What are your daily challenges? What makes this company great for you? Is there anything else you would like to share? What would you like to ask the next person whom we will interview? Et cetera...