I work in an office that's by and large very quiet and relaxed... until recently. A new member moved onto our team and oh sweet jesus does he make a noise... typing.
He literally smashes the return key and spacebar so much so that my desk actually shakes and my monitor shakes. I'm a programmer and find it super distracting. Normally I try listening to music but that's not always possible especially if i'm pair programming with another developer.
If it was someone whistling and humming I would politely ask them to stop. But to ask someone to type quieter... seems... it just seems a bit cheeky even if he does sound like he's using a hammer to type.
How do I deal with this issue its driving me insane and its starting to affect my work as i'm finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate.
I know some people do type louder than others, especially on mechanical keyboards but this is unreal, i've never seen anyone slam his hands on his keyboard like this fella.