I'm in a fixed term contract and enjoy my work. The problem is that I took on this role right after being made redundant from a previous job right around Christmas time when no one was hiring. Realising my desperation I was offered a very below average pay.
My plan was to stay around for about 6 months and look for another job when the market picked up.
However as I said I have grown very fond of this place and the work and would love to stay. The consulting firm that sent me took advantage of two others who were fresh arrivals to this country from overseas and needed local experience and did the same to them, sent them here with very low pay. I feel if I complete my 12 month contract it is unlikely they will offer a raise considering they were willing to pay almost half the market value in the first place.
I am bringing a lot of value to the client already and they are happy with me. I can't apply directly to them due to clauses in the contract that stop me from seeking direct employment with them (not to mention they might not want to harm their relationship with the consulting company). It is also a concern that there are two others in the same boat and any special treatment I might get may cause resentment.
However I am living in hardship because of this.
Is there a way to salvage this situation? What might be a good way forward? Is it appropriate to bring this up with the client and ask them to hook me up with one of their other contracting agencies that they already use?