I have not found a duplicate question dealing with this exact situation.
I have been steadily applying for jobs since the end of January. My field is very specific, there are a few large companies that operate only in thatfield, and other larger companies that offer services in that field with their main business being in another. My preference is to work for a company that specialize in my field.
I have all the signs that a company I have been interviewing with is about to make an offer. I have a final in person interview, and they have been sending employment forms to fill out, double checking my targets for compensation, etc.
By all accounts, this is a good company to work for, and a good position. I am still in the process of interviewing with other companies, none of which are a sure thing, and may take another month to get back to me. Accepting an offer is a rather urgent need due to my personal circumstances.
So, I do want to accept this offer, but I know I don't want to stay with this company longterm. I don't want to, and really can't afford to wait another month having interviews and seeing where things may lead. Indeed, one of the company's I would ideally like to work for only just got back to me when I applied a month ago.
I would like to be able to have this company on my resume and have references at this company also. I just know it isn't the best position for me or company longterm, for my career goals.
So, I would like to accept this job, but I am wondering what the minimum time I could work for them and quit would be without being unethical, without being 'rude', without leaving a bad impression. Would six months be suitable? Three months?