There are a few ways you can explain it, with various degrees of respect and professionalism. Depending on how many times you've tried to explain it and how pushy the manager is, you can try some of these:
Your manager doesn't understand what "engineering" means. They're used to reports. You have the data, you open MS Word, you copypaste in some charts and write like 2 paragraphs, you print it and put it on the CEO's desk, and you get a $10k raise at the end of the year. You don't question where that data came from, who made it, what sorts of analysis goes on, and so on. So you have to explain that to your manager: building software isn't just mindlessly jamming on a keyboard, there are other considerations to building good software, like planning, designing, and so on. You occasionally have to learn to use new tools or languages or frameworks in order to make things work and make them continue working. If you fail to do these things, then the server stops working and the website crashes and your customers get mad and you're all out of a job.
To be slightly more passive-aggressive, you can explain that you are very well-paid for your job, and the reason you are well-paid is because you are skilled. Part of that skill means anticipating problems that may occur and trying to fix and solve them before they happen. If the company wanted, they could outsource your job to some codemonkey in India who doesn't know anything, but they can get the job done in 2 weeks. It probably won't work, the servers will crash relentlessly, your customers won't be able to use the product and they'll hate your company, but it will be "done". That's why you are working at the company instead of hiring an outsourcing firm even though it's more expensive to do it that way.
To be extremely passive-aggressive (actually just plain aggressive) you could ask them why they can't just manage faster, or why they can't write their reports faster or hold their meetings faster. The faster you work, the more mistakes you make; clearly this manager doesn't want to make mistakes in their own job, that's why they don't work as fast as they "can" (I say "clearly" because everyone does this). You don't want to make mistakes, so you do everything deliberately to make sure that you make as few mistakes as possible.
If this manager is not your manager, you may want to have a chat with your manager and make them understand that doing things like rushing timelines and skipping QA can have lots of problems down the road; these things are very important, more important indeed than providing the functionality. You need to tell him that he needs to step up and push back against business when they ask for unrealistic deadlines, and to communicate more with his team to make sure that everyone is on the same page. Companies in which business assigns engineering timelines are companies that fail; companies that succeed have business create a feature list and engineering create a timeline of when that feature list can be completed, properly and accurately. If you fail to do this, it's not an issue of making the employees upset; it's an issue that when you ship bad code, it reflects in the user experience, and the user experience affects the bottom line, and the bottom line affects whether you have jobs at all. You want to keep your job, and so does your team, and if your manager also likes his job then he should listen to you because otherwise the company could disappear. Those are the terms you should explain it as.