I will adapt my answer to what you said in your comment as such this answer if far more specifics than the others :
I plan to do Java coding once a week for like half a day. Other than that 1 full day for Python coding and rest 3.5 days domain-related stuff
It is more about getting good in both Python & Java at the same time which is troubling me, I am not much of a programmer, but a Database expert
Yes. and the Java project also has a UI written in Javascript. Also project it is distributed architecture with kubernetes , docker in backend ..and many more parts
You are yourself a database expert, not a developer. The project you're working on seems to be a mature project already running well. It is clear that in order to properly work on it, you would need at least one month full time to get a solid grasp on what is going on.
I would suggest to organize with your some coworker that are developpers or/and manager/project lead (maybe in two differents meeting) in order to organize a way to be more efficient, less risky*, with everyone sticking to their role :
- Explain the fact that you don't have a solid grasp in any of those langages, that you're not a developer, and you would need weeks full time to get a solid grasp on both the langage and the current state of the projet.
- Explore various solution with the developpers in order to be able to have the work getting done. For instance you could try to organize with the developper to actually tell the developer what is needed in the Java part and let them doing it. This would allow you to focus more on the python part. You could also ask a training from a developer on the part you only need to cover.
Also it depends of your goals/preferences, if you prefer to stay your hand far from the code or if you're interested into doing something at least related do your field of expertise (which certainly isn't UI).
*risky : I'm saying ths because since you're not a developer on the project, they're solid chance you're actually writing code not up-to-par with what the developer does and may actually introduce bugs for them which may give them more works than actually does the piece of IHM in your stead.