The title of this post is motivated as follows: my client won't reveal their portfolio, but they require me to reveal mine.
At the beginning of the contract, a client of mine(an outsourcing/consulting company) has asked me to sign a non-compete clause that says I won't work with any of their clients. There's only one problem: I do not know their portfolio and they won't reveal it either. They say that whenever I carry discussions with another company I am to ask them and they will tell me if that company is in their portfolio or not.
The situation grows more complicated if said new company I'd be in contact with is another outsourcing company as in the initial discussions I might not know who the end-client would be.
I doubt this is normal practice in a contract. How should a more balanced non-compete sound such that it's not so lopsided? The purpose of my question is to help me not breach my contract while at the same time not be locked into a single contract.