Outside my normal full-time job I also work as a volunteer for a charity with no specific hours but professionally set goals, service levels and processes. It is indeed like a flexible part-time job.
I am extremely committed to the cause of the charity, however I realize that as my day job is getting more intensive I just cannot keep up with the charity work.
The best way I can sum up my problem is: I just have no time, I need to get sleep.
I am starting to postpone things a lot, not doing many things, even ignoring e-mails, and starting to get complaints from my superiors at the charity.
I want to step down but still stay involved to a certain level with those who run the organization.
In a case like this—or any other where you bail out for no adversarial reasons—what are the best things one can do to nurture a good relationship with former colleagues and the whole company?