First, verify that your juvenile records are sealed.
Second, if your juvenile records are not sealed, fire off a request to seal them like, in the next ten minutes and somebody just lit a bonfire under your butt.
According to this link on sealed records in your state of California, once your records are sealed, you can say "no" to the question, "Do you have a criminal history?" unless you like living dangerously.
Quotes from the link:
'Actually, juvenile proceedings aren't even considered "criminal" in nature. This means that if you are found guilty and declared a "ward of the juvenile court," technically it isn't a criminal conviction. Thus even if your juvenile records aren't sealed, you could still say you've never been convicted of a "crime."'
'... as Riverside CA criminal defense attorney Michael Scafiddi4 explains, "That technicality could land you in trouble if a prospective employer, state licensing agency, lending agency, school, etc. later discovers your record and believes you were being deceitful. That's why it's advisable to take the legal steps necessary to seal your juvenile record."'
In summary, don't take unnecessary chances - see to it that your juvenile records are sealed.