I work part time for an engineering consulting firm. I have been working there for about 9 months with the last 6 months being very consistent - the engagement built up slowly. My hours vary between 5-20 hours a week, and are not dependent on how often they need me, but whether I have the time (finishing up a secondary degree) and whether or not they gave the funds.
The pay rate is considerable when compared to the stipend I receive from the university for doing non-research work for 20 hours a week, but since I am a contractor that rate is greatly reduced by the taxes I am paying out of that rate.
I recently had to review some project documents, and learned that the rate the company charges clients for my time if 5-7 times the pre-tax rate they pay me.
I am wondering if this is normal (I have no idea about typical pay versus charge rates), and if not whether this ratio means that there might be some wiggle room that might allow me to ask for a small hourly raise.
Now, as a contractor I imagine many would say to me, "Just charge what you deem yourself worth!" But I believe myself and the company both really think of me as a part-time employee that will come on full-time when my degree is finished. At the same time I've gotten nothing but compliments on my work, quality and speed, and could still use a small bump (saving for a house). Additionally, I imagine my full-time rate would initially be based on my part-time rate, minus some amount due to bringing some of the taxes and costs (healthcare) inside the company.
So what is the typical multiplier? And when is there versus is there not wiggle room?