I was a volunteering at a local hospital and I spent a relatively long time assisting there. (3 months, 4 hours, Mondays through Fridays) I was to report to an employee that I guess I could refer to as "boss" for any issues or questions I had. I ended my volunteer experience when I had to go back to school for the Fall semester, but given my impending graduation in the Spring semester, instead of volunteering, I would like to have an actual job at the hospital.( Something entry level-ish, I was told Phlebotomists was an option for someone like me)
She seemed like an nice person, and from what I was told appreciated having me around.
Should I ask my former "boss" in help getting a job at her hospital? She has worked as a medical profession( nurse ) and now as an administrative position I feel she might have alot of connections or just general knowledge in giving me a leg up in any application. But on the other hand, I almost feel guilty asking her for assistance, I am not sure why. Maybe it is because during my interview for my volunteer position I told her I was considering graduate school for research, and given my "change of plans", it might seem that I was not being forthright with her.
Aside: I only plan to stay at the hospital for maybe 1 to 2 years while I get my affairs in order, should this be included in the discussion with my former "boss"? ( I intend to save up enough money to learn to drive and prepare for a graduate school program in medical technology.)