I know auditing is done to help the company improve. I work at a software company, and I overheard my boss saying that he knows how to handle an auditor by giving extremely long and time consuming answers to any small question the auditor asks. The auditor was doing an audit of our information security.
Even at my previous company, when an auditor was accessing the LAN network and doing some audits, my boss there was talking (jokingly) of throttling the network speed of the LAN the auditor was working on.
Another instance: I think I saw this in a TV serial, where the AC was turned on to be too cold in the room auditors were seated.
Is it common for workplaces to make an auditors job uncomfortable (even if the auditor is a good, diligent person) or to deliberately stall or drag their work so that they'd ask very few questions, wrap up and get out ASAP?
Is this one of the "smart manager" corporate things to do? If it is, and is appropriate, what are the best ways to do it?
Update: Note that this is not a situation where the people in the company are trying to trick or hide information from the auditor. These are very intelligent people who know what is good for the company, and are already complying with rules. They just find it an annoying, boring process to be put through the ordeal of answering questions from an auditor. So they make it boring for the auditor too, so that (s)he'd ask fewer questions and complete the audit quickly. The belief at their end is that if they give the auditor a free rein, then the auditor (especially the meticulous ones) will just keep going into more annoyingly boring details which might not even be necessary.