I'm trying to figure out the best way to show my recent job experience on my resume. I have been working at a company Company X
since May 2015, but I started as a Summer Intern (full time), then when I returned back to college that Fall semester, I was 'hired' back as a part-time intern (they have a program/partnership with the college that allows students to work there part-time). Finally and currently, I was hired on full-time after I graduated.
At each 'position' I was on the same team and worked on the same project.
Here's an example of what my resume looks like currently:
For the [Other Technical Specifics]
i specify things I've learned, or completed while under each 'title'.
Is this the best way to show this type of thing? An idea I have: combine the full-time/part-time job titles into 1, so just Software Developer Intern
with a combined date range and specifics of what I did.
Side note: this is the only real work experience I have in the software industry, besides being a TA at my college which I have listed on my resume under the above block of experience.