I've been at a company for about a year and have 5 years experience in my related field. I can make things work and do my job if given a task.
I have a colleague, Ivy, who has worked in the industry for 15 years and was the guru for everything before I began working here. She is not my boss but is a senior who is the main contact point for our department; we are a 2-person team. Ivy has an alpha personality and I have an omega personality.
We have an ongoing project (framework) that Ivy has built from the ground-up, with some of my help, but she certainly did the bulk of the work. Our framework is actively maintained (by us), and anything I need to change undergoes intense scrutiny in reviews. Sometimes I need to redo work entirely to comply with our standards; which I am fine with, our deadlines are not hypercritical and I'm happy to do things the right way. The framework is still fresh and Ivy and I refactor large portions of it.
However, whenever I'm asked to review Ivy's work, she will downplay any 'hacks' and say that there is a better way of doing this but it is not important right now.
My first 4 years in the industry were in mastering a different language than we are currently using, but there are key differences in syntax with what we are working with now. This really affects my productivity, and additionally I now catch myself thinking "How would Ivy structure this?". Now I need to actively ask her very simple, low-level questions that I know the answer to, but I feel it makes me look stupid. She is just a workhorse who does incredible work efficiently, she is not a people-person who will teach you things in a respectful manner.
I always present myself with an amicable personality, whether the server is on fire and stress levels are at an all-time high; you will always see me with a smile on my face and a joke in my pocket. But Ivy makes me internally pull my hair out because we communicate so differently. She gets so incredibly wound-up in the process of developing software, that her attitude towards people can make her unapproachable. Still, I will admit that she is much smarter than I, and I am thoroughly humbled by the lessons she does teach me, even if they come across with disappointment in my abilities.
My main question is how do I maintain a healthy work relationship with Ivy? She is able to insist that I completely redo everything to make it fit for something else, but I have no place insisting that she does the same (due to seniority). Should I be worried about my job security? How do I even begin to get on her level of understanding?