I started an apprenticeship with a startup in 2014, but the startup went bankrupt. So I switched to a web agency where i finished the apprenticeship earlier this year and am now employed at as a software developer.
The job is kind of okay, but i don't enjoy my colleagues very much nor do i enjoy the work I'm assigned (and there is no sign that this is going to change in the near future).
I now got a tempting job offer; I would be working with colleagues that i already worked with for two years and that i enjoy working with. I would work on a product that i imagine is fun working on, and I would probably make more money than i currently am.
Apart from others, one of my concerns is this: i am with my current company now for 10 months. If i sign into the new job it will be 14 including the notice time and stuff. I am worried that it will look bad on my resume that i left the company that let me finish my apprenticeship just a few months after.
Can someone please shed a light on how important the duration of employment is in the software industry today? Will it hurt my career if i now go for the (seemingly) much more fun job?
Thanks for your time :)