I recently went through a series of interviews, for an internship, and was then given a small project to complete. Now the project was rather simple but I was unable to finish because the allotted time was not enough for me because in addition to creating the logic and planning on how to finish the project I also had to :
- learn the API of a couple dependencies
- learn more about JSON, processing them, creating them, etc. (First time working with it although I have read about it in the past)
Now I rather not give excuses and take responsibility for not finishing in time but (imagine you're my recruiter) would you still see me unfit for the position? Or would you appreciate the fact that I was able to learn two new things and post an incomplete project that showcased the new things I learned?
I was unable to finish the logic because I focused a lot on parsing JSON, and learning my way around the two dependencies I needed.