I am a college student and this summer I am working for a tech startup. I am a full stack web development engineer that performs what I consider a fairly high skill job.
When I agreed to work with them, I was told that the startup would move to a location that is remote from my home and that I would have to find housing accordingly. I had a plan to sublet a friends apartment for ~700 dollars a month.
I was making ~700 per week so I thought this was fine and took the offer. However, after taking the offer I was told that the location changed and housing would now be ~1500 per month and it was more remote so I would have to pay ~500 for a flight too.
Given that this is the scenario, would it be unreasonable to ask for a renegotiation since now about 50+% of what I'm making is being sunk into these extra costs and I am working 40+ hours a week?