A female friend of mine is telling me about a sexual harassment, which was in reality a sexual assault involving a coworker physically grabbing her backside with both hands, from upper hip with the assailant's pinky touching her perineum
The office she works at is pressuring her to have a report describing the incident in the next two hours.
She is in tears telling me the details of the situation and once I recognized that this was an assault, she is having more difficulty than before at composing what's needed. She doesn't like to feel like a victim, or want to acknowledge that fact.
She has no interest in ruining her career, as it's reputation based and word of mouth. Because of this she declined to fully describe the first incident to her supervisor who is financially motivated to keep the offender on payroll.
What I need (she needs) is a way to calmly structure and organize her thoughts and accurately describe what happened to the employer?
She has reported his multiple offenses to her immediate supervisor who passed off his behavior as ignorable / "boys will be boys" and is connected to a family who has a history of covering this stuff up.
How can I help her calm her thinking so that she can accurately describe the events that transpired without feeling overwhelmed by feelings of victimization or prescribing justice?
She is a W2 employee. He is a 1099 contractor if that makes a difference. United States.
Aside: She is living month-to-month on her income and supporting a child. Any resources or ideas on how to survive in this complicating situation is really helpful as well.