I've got an OK job as a senior software engineer, but wanted to see what was out there. I found a great company with lots of quarterly bonuses and recurring signing bonuses.
After getting through the verbal/resume part of the process, I took an online coding test and bombed hard. I thought the online IDE or the video chat were responsible for my failing, so I was allowed a redo opportunity.
I learned the IDE shortcuts, relaxed all day and went in to the next round without any nervousness. However, I did not complete the problem in time and did not find the optimal solution. I didn't get a job offer.
I'm worried that if my current startup gets bought or goes under, I will only be able to get a job at other small companies with easier interviews. I've shipped quality production code for seven years without any major issues, but I don't have the skills to just "pull the right algorithm out of thin air during a coding test", even after a week of studying and practicing with Cracking the Coding Interview. I know all the data structure definitions and can implement these if asked to, and can describe the Big O, etc... but where am I supposed to learn "how to whip out the right algorithm immediately" without having to guess and check?
It seems like these interviews are geared towards 20-something year old college students with little-to-no job experience, but I want to be able to work there too!