In my last role, I did have a leadership role managing a team - for about a week. I couldn't handle the pressure of managing my own job - which was my first administrative office role, and an extremely huge undertaking in itself - with the leadership component, which was completely separate and another person's job in itself. My supervisor realised I was near the point of breakdown and accepted that it was too much, so hired someone else to pick up the leadership position.
In a job application, I wrote that I have leadership experience, which I recognise is true to an extent, but also it's a lie of omission. I have an interview coming up for this job, and I'm not sure how to talk about this experience if asked, or even if not asked. I can talk about what I did in the role, but it's pretty limited. Is it ethical to talk about this experience without mentioning the short duration? Should I talk around the experience? Or is there any scenario where being fully honest about my experience might not hurt my chances?