This is my first job and I'm just about a month in. My workplace uses an app for staff to communicate with each other, and on this app a group chat has been made including myself and everyone in my department. A staff member who I believe is a manager (?) (I am yet to meet them) attached a pdf showing where I have filled out some paperwork incorrectly. They asked that everyone reply to their message outlining what is wrong with how it has been filled out, not naming me directly but my portion of the paperwork is evidently what is incorrect about it. I would like to point out that there is nowhere to refer to on how this type of paperwork is to be filled out, and I have previously only been shown once or twice how to do it amongst many other new things to remember. At the time at which I filled this paperwork out, it was one of the first times working a shift alone and so it was also the first time doing paperwork without having anyone around to ask who would know how it is to be done correctly.
This group chat includes people who have been working there for much longer, who obviously will know what part of the paperwork is wrong. Myself and two other members of staff all joined this department at around the same time. I find it unnecessary that this person asked everyone to point out what was wrong about it, instead of only new staff as a learning opportunity (although I think I would still feel uncomfortable with this situation). I don't see why they couldn't have contacted only me directly.
Advice much appreciated.