After successfully completing my Bachelor's degree I decided to do the Masters degree at the same (reputable) university.
But before doing my masters degree I decided on doing an internship in a firm. Within this setting, I have realized my education wasn't as good as I thought.
In school, I gained lots of mathematical and theoretical insights but never hands on and practical abilities. My knowledge feels very narrow and mathematically focused, not knowing or having worked into other sorts of programming/electronics/etc and somewhat forgotten after exams.
I have been looking at possible Master projects to do after this current internship (where I am most of the time googling things to don't feel extremely dumb). I don't feel motivated at all to do another theoretical 6 month project. Also, looking at possible job listings/offers through the internet I got the sensation that I am underqualified or lacking experience for almost all of them, and so I'm not sure a masters degree is going to help.
This leads me to a question. Given I am at the beginning of my career, how can I determine whether or not a masters degree will be beneficial for my career so close to undergraduate work? It's difficult for me to evaluate whether or not this will help my career.
[EDIT] Sorry that I didn't express myself clearly (first time user), but the thing is, I'm already doing my Masters. The only thing pending is my Master's thesis, and before starting that (the thesis) I decided to do a 4 month internship.