My friend is going through a not-easy period at work. She is a sales person, and her performance at the moment, is far from stellar.
She works in a pharmaceutical company, where her results are available from other competitors. From her company perspective, her performance are poor but were good until 3 months ago.
Yet, when she meets competitors from different companies, who are also friends of her, she is seen as one of the top performer of her region (proven with numbers and graphics from these other companies).
From my perspective, her results are skewed by the management of the company yet there are no way to prove it. She cannot use her friends data as they are confidential
Things are not dire for now, but to be honest, I'm concerned
Question is:
If things are getting bad, how can she prove that management cooked up the whole story, in order to make her work more and of course doing that, without involving any of her friends?