Right now my job includes a lot of different duties - customer-facing tech support, back-end desktop management and software administration, project management, documentation, training, communication, answering the doorbell for the loading dock...
Having to do so many different types of work, each with a different pace and type of focus required, has me feeling pulled in a lot of different directions. The department is doing some workforce planning that will likely result in at least some reorganization, and we've all been asked for our input. So, I might have at least a bit of influence over where I end up and what I end up doing. (I'm one of half a dozen people in the same position, so it would be relatively easy to divvy up the tasks differently.)
My problem is... how do I know what to focus on and what to try to drop? I generally like each of these tasks by themselves, but it's super frustrating trying to write a script or a project status report while my inbox is filling up with people who want help getting into their e-mail, and vice versa, which obscures the question of what I'd be most excited about under ideal conditions. What's a good exercise for sorting out which parts of your job are the most satisfying?