I am a Jr. Developer working in the healthcare industry. I am currently assigned to build automation tools that download eligibility files. I'll spare you most of the details since they are irrelevant to my question. But long story short most of these files are hosted on FTP servers. I suggested using Python and ftplib to automate this task. However this is the response I received from my supervisor
Lets talk tomorrow. We do not want to use Python much, its not secure. Do you know other programming languages that you can use and that are part of the enterprise products we will use across the board?
What do you suggest? Python is a free not secured program that we stopped Armand from using, lets discuss tomorrow ok.
I am unsure how to approach this situation. I would like to come into this meeting prepared to defend my case, but also don't want to disrespect my supervisor (a non programmer)
How would you approach this situation? For those who have been in similar situations, how was it resolved?
Ideally I'd like my supervisor to realize that Python is simply a programming language and that ftplib is just as secure as using FileZilla.
For what its worth I have been building web scrapers using Python for this company these past 3 months without any issue.
The company I work for develops software using the .NET framework. I could write scripts in Visual Basic, but I'd be much happier and more productive developing in Python.