Let's say I want to ask my boss (or my boss' boss) two things but are on separate matters. I don't know which of the following is preferred:
- Send two e-mails asking one each. #teamseparate
- Collate the two questions into one e-mail containing both things. #teamcollate
Is there a general consensus of one being preferred over the other?
If so, which, why, and what are some counterexamples?
If not, why not, and what are some guidelines in deciding which to use?
Thing 1:
Asking about a possible mistake in a certain document
Thing 2:
Asking about possible exception for a rule for a certain customer
Now if the document has several possible mistakes, I would definitely send 1 e-mail for all the mistakes because sending separate e-mails would involve redundant file openings.
Finally, I have a feeling this may have something to do with the priority matrix/Eisenhower method. I guess urgent could be done through text/call if possible. Thus, we may assume that the two things have the same level of importance or urgency, whichever is helpful.