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3 answers

How to explain that I can work very remotely?

I'm planning on moving country but not company. While my employer has a presence in the country I intend to move to, that presence is not by my department and is a few hundred miles from where I will ...
Matt W's user avatar
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How to calculate fair pay in local currency based on salary range in dollars?

Suppose Bob applies for a remote position (so no visa or even travel involved) on a company based in the United States and his research indicates that the average salary for the position is $s ($ = ...
LoremIpsum's user avatar
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What exactly does 'must possess unrestricted work authorization' mean?

I've been checking out remote USA internships to apply to. Some specifically mention that even though this is a remote internship, they are not hiring candidates from outside the US. But there are ...
sambiguous's user avatar
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How to be hired in US company remotely

I'm a software developer living in Eastern Europe. I would like to find a job remotely working for a US company and to be paid an average US salary because in my country I currently get around 3-4 ...
Peter Penzov's user avatar