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2 votes
6 answers

Remote worker relocating for spouse's new job. Can I ask for a cost of living increase with my employer?

My wife has recently been offered a new job in Denver that she wants to take due to salary increase, career advancement, etc. We currently live in a very low cost-of-living area comparatively (Memphis)...
user2276280's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to calculate fair pay in local currency based on salary range in dollars?

Suppose Bob applies for a remote position (so no visa or even travel involved) on a company based in the United States and his research indicates that the average salary for the position is $s ($ = ...
LoremIpsum's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Do I get paid for not being able to work due to technical issues? [closed]

I have a full-time remote job, but I haven't been able to work for two weeks due to technical issues with my work equipment. Nothing in my contract says anything about salary if absent due to ...
Anouk's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Can I ask for a higher salary working remotely from a more expensive location?

My situation: 5th year PhD Candidate in Chicago About to graduate (within a year) Planning to move to NYC for my wife's career after graduation (she is an actress/performer/circus artist) But ALSO ...
Jon Strutz's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

If I can't WFH when the office is closed, do I still get paid? [closed]

I work for a tech company as a software developer. We have a system setup that allows us to work remotely but remote working has been for extenuating circumstances and not used that much. With the ...
flexi's user avatar
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