I am a software engineer in an USA local government setting. Recently they sent out a survey asking about how people where feeling about an upcoming reorganization/job reclassification. Now, an important note, nothing says that the survey is anonymous and It never explicitly asks for your name. It's using system data to figure out who submitted the survey but nothing says that it isn't either.
Now,I have been given the task of not only moving all the survey results to a database, but also ranking the comments on how positive/negative they are. Now, I know from the specs that upper management will be able to see who wrote what comments. Which I consider to be alarming because I was trained in TCPS 2 core(Human experimentation ethics) during college, and I know this would be wrong to allow such identifying information at least for TCPS.They have already indicated they want to use the information for good, but they could also use it for negative reasons.
No one is saying that upper management will retaliate. But several comments I have read fear retribution, and say they don't trust upper management. And there is the issue that I was told this is a secret project and I shouldn't tell anyone about it.
Bottom line: What is my responsibility? Is this ethical? Should I bring this to anyone's attention? I want to help protect my coworkers, even though I am leaving the company
Post: Thank you all for the wonderful answers, I have since brought up the idea of blocking, obfuscating or otherwise hiding the names of people id'ed in the survey, my request has been ignored and I have been asked to ID their union as well.....