This is sort of the opposite of this question, where I'm instead the "shy" employee.
My manager has recently started scheduling weekly, hour-long, one-on-one meetings with me. To facilitate the meetings, he has asked me to make an agenda each week, with the explicit expectation that my agenda items take up most of the meeting time.
So far, we've had two meetings, and the issue I've had with both is that I can't come up with enough discussion points to fill an hour. The last meeting, I had about 4 items, and we got through those in 20 minutes. This week, I've got one, which I suspect will take less than 5.
Examples of what I've included:
Talked about a meeting my team had with another team to teach each other about technical side of each project, and proposed that as something other teams could do.
Talked about my work load in an attempt to get some feedback about how I was doing.
Along with a few other, smaller items. He seemed happy with what I was bringing, but it just didn't fill the time.
I will probably at some point ask to have the meetings shortened, or have them less often, but I suspect that will be a harder sell when it's only been a couple weeks. So in the meantime, what else can or should I bring to my weekly one-on-ones?