I've been working for company X for 2.5 years and this is my first job. I started as a project manager assistant, became a project manager and I'm now making a transition to technical coordinator.
My manager started ~8 months ago. She already had experience in management from her previous job and she is replacing my former manager who is my N+2 now.
Company X is a small company (~30 employees) split into 2 locations (~20 where I am) and our team is comprised of 5 people.
I started my job transition with her as my previous role didn't suit me.
The issue
From the time my manager started, we've had some communication issues and differences in way of working.
Where I want to take things slow, she seems to want it fast. Sometimes (or often), I can reply in an inconvenient/rude/harsh way to her (through Slack or email). But I don't intentionally do so or realise that I'm rude.
I truly want to improve my communication with her but I don't know how...
I also know that I need to improve my communication about deadlines or re-planning things I missed.
How can I improve my communication (or maybe hers) with her ?
I was thinking about telling her to send me a message when she thinks I answered in an inappropriate way former manager who is my N+2 now
I'm not following what you are saying here. Is your former boss is now 2 levels above you?