I have a colleague-turned-friend who's inviting me for dinner together with his bosses. He said they want to have a chat with me. I have a hunch it's about my plans regarding my career progression. I said this because when I graduated from college, I was very close to joining them but I grabbed a different opportunity. And my friend has been vocal about his hope of us working together (which I am flattered about as I have huge respect for him as well) someday.
Now, I just recently joined a startup last July and I love the projects we're working on. I look up to my bosses and their vision for the company. Although I have one mishap with them (which I am now resolving), I still want to work here and stay.
I don't want to reject the invitation but I'm also very worried on how the dinner would go. Also I'm afraid I could burn bridges if I reject the dinner invitation. But if I do accept it, they might hint about an offer, which I know I would most probably reject, which then could burn bridges? But I also don't want to give an impression that I'm closing my doors in the future.
I know in any workplace, jumping ships gives you that edge for career progression. So I want to make sure that I make a wise decision. How does one handle this kind of situation?