I am a developer in a big tech company. It is been 1.5 year since our Product Manager (PM) joined my team. Since then, he's been performing bad, and since then, my manager and myself have been giving him feedback. Sometimes I assume good intention and try to imagine a reason why he's not doing well, and other times I can't find a reason so I talk to him. My manager is aware of all of that and he also agrees with me. He's been pushing me to keep calm and hoping that the PM would perform better.
The problem with the PM is that he can't learn anything. He came to the team with one mindset, which is "We want to build a product", literally that is the requirements we would get. We hold his hand and had millions onboarding sessions, explaining sessions ... Nothing changed, he is not doing any better, though he's been with us 1.5 years. He has become extremely defensive.
Examples about his performance:
- Just today he priorities tasks for a product that doesn't exist! We're planning to build a product later once we finish the current product, which is estimated to be ready in Dec this year.
- After 1.5 years, he doesn't understand our users, where are they, their language, their preferences ...
The current situation: I hate myself, I feel I don't wanna go to work. I don't know what to do.
I could change teams, but I was about to be nominated to a senior position this month, and that is why I have not left the team yet, but because of Corona, the nomination process stopped, and will be kicked off back again January 2021, and I am not sure if I can hold it until then.