I recently had a meeting with my boss about my pending time off this coming December for my wedding and honeymoon. There seems to be some idea that I may be quitting as I (32F) am getting married to my fiancé, who lives 1 hour out of the city. I assured them I had no intentions on leaving but the conversation seemed to continue with them alluding to numerous reasons why I may quit due to me getting married. I’ve been at the company for 5 years, and they’ve asked that IF I give my notice (despite me continuing to reassure I have no intentions on a career change) that I provide as much notice as possible as it is difficult to find someone for my position.
I’ve had such a bad feeling about this meeting all week and I would love anyone’s advice on how they would handle this situation.
To just justify my sexism tag for this post - some of the comments made to me during this meeting were “well you won’t want to be here and so far away from your new husband” which I responded with explaining that we both live and work in the city so again, I’m not going anywhere. They proceeded to not ask me but tell me “well you're probably going to want to start a family soon and need some time for that then” which I again responded “I have no intentions on going anywhere”. I continued to just use that as a response to everything that was suggested but I don’t feel like a male worker would have ever been interrogated to this extent about what they do on the weekends and if they are planning of making a baby.