I recently handed in my notice after accepting a job offer from a competitor for a significant pay rise (although that wasn't my only reason for leaving). The notice period at my current place of employment is four weeks.
Although I have always been frugal and saved a lot of money, my family recently experienced an emergency, so I am currently living paycheck to paycheck (emergency ate up my savings).
I am due to get paid on Tuesday and am my last day of work is Wednesday.
I'm not sure if I'm just being paranoid, but I have a thought in the back of my mind that I won't get paid on Tuesday as my employer did not take my leaving very well.
By Wednesday, I will have worked my full notice period. If I don't get paid, I may potentially be in some financial trouble. Here are my questions:
- Is my current employer legally obliged to pay me for my work during my notice period?
- What action can I take if he doesn't pay me? Tribunal, Citizen's Advice, etc? Is this a complicated process? Will it cost me anything? How long will it take to get paid?
- I know this is a tricky one as you don't know the chap personally, but from a business point of view, do you think he will pay me?
- This one is slightly off-topic, but I have only taken three days of holiday this year. Is he obligated to pay me for the statutory holiday I haven't used?
EDIT: Thought of another question:
- If he doesn't pay me, what would be the legal implications if I threatened him (to poach his clients, for example)? Is this a bad idea?