I work in a shared office space with a small group of coworkers. One of the more senior coworkers has made it a habit to play political talk radio through speakers for the entire room. It seems to create a very toxic environment of constant argument and raised tempers. Even though I try hard to not let it bother me, it ultimately seems to cause me a lot of stress. I've been tuning it out by putting my own headphones in, but the type of work requires regular communication with other coworkers, so having headphones in seems to impede my work.
I've suggested we turn on something more pleasant, like music, or nothing at all, and that occasionally works, but sometimes I am denied and it always seems to wind up back on the political talk.
What steps can I take to put an end to this situation? Or how could I convince my senior coworker to stop playing political talk out loud?
I thought about asking my management to relocate me to a quieter environment, but I am worried that I will be viewed as not being a team player, or being high maintenance. We were grouped together in the area based on a common skill-set and the area contains the equipment we work with. It would probably be impractical for me to ask that all that be relocated.