I'm a software engineer and I hold a dual citizenship, American and of an EU country. I currently work in the US but recently I have been contemplating returning to Europe while working remotely in the US. It'd be really great if I could hear from someone who has actually done this.
I do not want to discuss reasons for this here and instead I want to focus on feasibility and details of such a project.
I have just passed a two years of experience mark and I'm reasonably confident that my performance would not suffer from being a remote worker, granted that my employer did their part in accomodating me. I would also be okay with taking a salary cut.
So now that we're past the introductions, I'd like to ask some questions:
Is this workable from tax perspective? I fully intend to pay whatever taxes I owe on both sides of the pond. Would keeping a US account without living in the country be problematic?i
How would employers view me as a potential employee? Additionally, many remote companies like to fly out their employees once in a while. Would that dissuade them?
Are there any companies out there that have been known to do this? I don't necessarily mean ones that specialize in this sort of thing since I'd expect them to underpay me, but ones that would be cool with that sort of thing.
Any other advice is welcome.