I'm a software engineer and was recently involved in a motorcycle accident that has my right hand in a bit of a mess. One of the injuries in particular is causing a lot of pain - an unhealing broken scaphoid.
I'd like to think that I'm usually very productive, but this injury has me taking frequent breaks lasting from minutes to hours. My social life has gone to zero due to the unpredictable nature of these breaks and the fact that I'm still obligated to deliver the same value for the salary I'm being paid - but now that takes twice as much time.
I'd like to try to explain to my coworkers that my relatively low productivity isn't due to me being lazy, and that their perceptions of me are important to me. I'd like to manage those perceptions by explaining the type of injury I have, and possibly even showing them the X-rays (more from an isn't this gnarly position than a defensive one). I'm hoping this kind of transparency will soften their likely very negative current perceptions of me. Even the quality of my work is declining as the pain sometimes completely derails my train of thought and leads to forgetful/sloppy behavior.
I have considered disability but I don't feel that I'm disabled; I'm just a bit handicapped at the moment. Any advice would be much appreciated.