I work for a medium-sized software consultancy in London. The company employs 300-500 people across multiple locations in Europe.
For the past month or so I've had a lot of trouble with my sleeping schedule, which often causes me to be late. I've been missing dailies regularly, to the point that I've already had a meeting with HR and my boss. They are taking a soft approach with me, showing a lot of flexibility which is appreciated. But they're not happy with the situation. Since then, my punctuality has improved to the point where I don't miss meetings, but I'm still barely making it in for the core hours (10am or earlier).
In that same meeting my boss he had the idea to include me in a new project due to kick off soon, because of my experience with a certain technology. I would be working directly under the CTO.
The meeting with the client was today. My manager, our CTO, another colleague and myself were invited to the client's HQ on the outskirts of London. The CTO and the colleague arrived yesterday afternoon from abroad and we all went for a pint. This morning, I missed my train. I called my manager from the taxi to let him know I would not be making the meeting, and he asked me to go to the office - which is the only thing that he could say.
I've started seeing a professional about the sleep issues. I'm also experimenting with lifestyle changes, but I haven't identified exactly what causes the issue.
From my manager's perspective I'm a resource who can work with a technology, but I'm also someone who indicated that I want to progress my career further in this company, so he did me a huge favour - and took some personal risk - in adding me to the project. I've just proven him wrong.
My credibility is in the toilet. I'd like to re-establish it. I don't want to update my CV, and I hope there is a way to do this without switching jobs. What steps can I take to do this?
Update Just had a meeting with my boss. I received a written warning, for not showing up on time, and for failing to bring up the potential problem the evening before, therefore preventing alternative options. Further, some concrete goals were set, none of them unreasonable (ie. be in by 9:30 latest). Despite the severity of receiving a written warning, I consider myself as having got off light.